Parents urged to download free healthcare app
NHS HAMPSHIRE & IOW have urged parents and carers across the region to download the Healthier Together application to receive free health advice where required; which comes as part of an ongoing awareness campaign that aims to reduce current medical demands during a tough winter period.
Rising cases of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), COVID-19, flu, infections and other childhood illnesses have added to a traditional winter peak in demands as reported across many hospitals. But many hospital visits were avoided as a result of the application, which was used 11,000 times by people in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in December 2024.
However they are hoping that more Emergency Department can be avoided with figures showing that an extra 980 children attended with coughs this winter compared to 2023. Furthermore over 800 children were taken to hospital with a sore throat during the period between October and December 2024; marking an increase compared the same timeframe in 2023.
The Healthier Together application has been designed by paediatricians in partnership with parents / carers before being tested and published to the wider public. It can help users decide whether self-care at home is appropriate or if urgent support is needed; further providing options for which service is best for their children (up to eighteen years old).
This could include directing them to the 111 service or local pharmacies; who can now see and treat and adults) with minor illnesses such as sore throats and earaches. Medications can also be prescribed by these services if needed and is often viewed as a quicker form of treatment compared to Emergency Department; where waiting times can be very long.
Consultant Sanjay Patel, from Southampton Children’s Hospital, said about the application: “If you’re worried that your child is unwell, the Healthier Together app is a great place to start as it provides information and advice regarding your child’s health at your fingertips. You’ll find clear information on common illnesses, including advice on what serious signs to look out for, where to seek help if required, how long their symptoms are likely to last and what you should do to keep your child comfortable.”
“The app has been designed in partnership with parents to allow you to access care for your child much more easily and over 50,000 parents across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight have already downloaded the app and have found it extremely useful.”
This application can also support those who are pregnant across the region, who can download and create a ‘pregnancy profile’ that can be used when needed. Expectant mothers can look up appropriate information pages linked to many symptoms and concerns, whilst they will also be directed to the right health professional for urgent support if necessary.
Readers can download the application using Google Play and the App Store with a step by step guide available through this link. There is also information on how to put the application onto a phone’s home page for Android and iPhone devices.
PICTURED BY NHS HAMPSHIRE & IOW: Parents have been urged to download application for advice when their children are poorly / unwell.