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Sounds of torment beneath ‘haunted’ Gilkicker

Gosport ghost-hunter Tony Fergusson continues his investigations into the paranormal with a return visit to a haunt close to home… the imposing Fort Gilkicker, overlooking the Solent on the edge of Stokes Bay Golf Course…

WE RETURNED to the haunted Fort Gilkicker after an horrific experience many years ago when I put my camera through a once-used window to get a shock.

When it happened, you could hear a male laughing. Yet I was the only man there; the rest were females.

We went back recently after a report that the location was soon to be demolished and the site converted into flats. I wanted to go back as the experience previously was horrific – especially in the tunnels.

On our return with Ghost2Ghost Paranormal Investigations members Debbie MCall and Emily Cowell, we encountered several unexplained things. These included male voices saying “Get out”, “Help me”,  and someone calling out to fellow investigator Debbie. Again, I was the only male on location.


We decided to investigate the tunnels last as, because of the earlier visit,  we were very cautious.

While calling out at 3am, we were left shocked when hearing a young child’s voice. At one point, the child says: “Help me.” This was all caught on camera.

The location is in a remote area by the beach so there was no reason to be hearing any children in these tunnels.

Overall the experience was as horrific as the first time. I am very sceptical about the paranormal, as is the group Ghost2Ghost Paranormal Investigations. But we could not explain what we encountered.

We scouted the tunnels when we heard the child’s voice. We could not find anything.

This for me is one of the Uk’s Most Haunted locations. I will be sad to see the fort knocked down. But for me I hope all the lost souls move on once it is demolished and find peace.

Here is the link to some of the strange encounters: https://www.tiktok.com/@tonyfergusonghosthunter/video/7222771683797552390.

PICTURED: An aerial view of Fort Gilkicker taken from the Solent side, with golf course in the background