
Sultan challenges female science stereotypes

ENGINEERS and Technicians gathered recently at HMS Sultan to help challenge global stereotypes on the United Nation’s ‘International Day of Women and Girls in Science’, which was held on February 11

Science and gender equality are both vital for the achievement of the UN’s internationally agreed development goals. In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General Assembly declared 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

The Royal Navy works hard to promote an inclusive culture across the Service, with HMS Sultan a centre of engineering excellence, training both Officers and Ratings in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects within the Defence College of Technical Training’s Royal Navy Air Engineering and Survival Equipment School (RNAESS) and the Defence School of Marine Engineering (DSMarE).

Trainee Air Engineering Technician Danielle Beckinsale said to Sultan’s media team: “I’d not done any engineering before joining the RN, but I thought I’d give it a go and it’s been good so far. Although I’m the only girl in my class, I’ve never felt any different to my classmates and I’ve still been able to make friends with lots of other girls who are in training. “

Probationary Leading Air Engineering Technician Janine Fergus said: “I’ve always been interested in science and engineering as they appeal to my inquisitive mind. I studied STEM subjects at college and gained an Oceanography degree before joining the RN and I’m really enjoying the hands-on aspect of the training I’m undertaking now. In all my studies and throughout my career, I’ve never felt that being a woman has been a barrier. It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman, if you’re motivated to do a job and do it well then you can do it.”

PICTURED BY PEPE HOGAN: Sultan marks International Day of Women and Girls in Science