Council confirms early steps for recycling scheme
By Connor Steel
FAREHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL have confirmed that they are beginning preparations to introduce ‘Simpler Recycling’ measures across the borough; which will aim to increase household ‘recycling rates’ by making it possible for residents nationwide to recycle the same materials without needing to find out what items will be accepted in each local authority.
The national approach was announced under the Environment Act in 2021 following a concern that many local councils had implemented different restrictions upon recyclable items; which caused anxiety and lower rates of recycling. This is despite a focus on the idea of recycling over recent years due to its environmental impacts and the multiple campaigns.
Simpler Recycling means that “food waste” is to be collected separately across Fareham on a weekly basis from March 2026; whilst glass should be collected from residents’ kerbside and a greater variety of recyclables must be collected in ‘recycling bins’. This features plastic pots such as in yoghurts, tubs, trays, newspaper, paper, card, metal cans and tins.
The borough’s current operation consists of the alternative weekly waste and recycling collection service; which can be used for plastic bottles, card, paper, tins, cans, and aerosols. Glass and textiles aren’t permitted to be included in these fortnightly collections, but they can be taken to nearby bank sites across the area to be recycled or collected for charity.
Councillors are expecting ‘capital funding’ will be provided for the purchasing of new food waste collection vehicles and food waste bins; but they have committed to continuing their “responsibility to the environment”. The move comes after the council introduced electric and bio-fuel vehicles into their fleet, alongside their commitment to being carbon neutral.
Readers can see comments from the Council’s Executive Member for Streetscene, Cllr Ian Bastable, by clicking on the link whilst more information on the Simpler Recycling scheme can be found on the Government website available here.
PICTURED BY PIXABAY: Glass will be collected from residents’ kerbside under scheme to begin from March 31, 2026.