
Lee-on-the-Solent celebrates summer in style

By Leslie Mitchell

ONCE again Lee-on-the-Solent delivered an enthusiastically received two-day event Summer Sounds Festival 2022 on Saturday, August 20 and Sunday, August 21.

But the celebrations had begun even before the weekend, with the John Searle Fun Fair set up and running from Friday, August 12 until the close on the grass area of the Marine Parade West.

Montserrat Events were busy on Saturday morning setting up the performance area on the side of a lorry strategically placed at right angles to the Amusement Arcade on the seafront.

This free festival encouraged attendees to bring their own tables and chairs and enjoy themselves and the summer weather. A range of craft, food and beverage stalls did brisk business and an old-fashioned Punch and Judy show kept the youngest and their families cheering and booing.

The music programme was billed as ‘Lively Saturday’ and ‘Easy Sunday’ with an eclectic mix of artistes and groups on both days. Moved by the music, people of all ages also joined in with impromptu dancing in front of the stage.

Among the performers on Sunday was Gosport’s Jennifer Parker Lummis, who is well known locally as a classically trained singer. She enjoys bringing classical and songs from musical theatre to life and is a big supporter of local charitable events, as seen in the photograph above.

Lucky Penny, a trio of very talented young locals, performing in public for only the second time, put on a very creditable show and I am sure they will be turning up a lot on the local circuit and hopefully further afield.

Collections were made for two charities, Children with Cancer UK and Lee Hub.

PICTURED: Jennifer Parker Lummis on stage. Taken by Leslie Mitchell / Reproduced with permission.