
New door opens on Gosport housing

GOSPORT residents can now get advice on housing problems 24 hours a day, thanks to a new online advice hub.

The Advice Aid service has been set up by Gosport Borough Council to help people get the information they need at a time that suits them.

It covers topics such as homelessness, benefits, harassment, eviction, domestic abuse, rent or mortgage arrears, housing rights and debt.

Councillor Sue Ballard, who chairs the council’s Housing Board, said: “Sadly, we’re finding an increasing demand for advice on housing issues. This service is a way people can get information tailored to them, whenever they need it.

“It’s always important to know your rights and responsibilities when it comes to housing, as issues can arise at any time. Whether you’re threatened with eviction by your landlord, or going through a relationship breakdown, getting the right advice at the right time is vital.”

The new service is at gosport.adviceaid.uk

The council also offers housing advice by phone on 023 9254 5476, 9am–5pm, and on email on housingadviceteam-mbx@gosport.gov.uk

Residents can also drop in at the Town Hall on weekdays, 9.30am–12.45pm or 1.30pm–4.30pm.

PICTURED: Gosport Councillor Sue Ballard