Sand exhibition brings visitors to Gosport museum
By Connor Steel
GOSPORT RESIDENTS have been encouraged to attend their Borough’s popular ‘Museum and Art Gallery‘ across the summer as an ongoing sand themed exhibition continues to excite visitors through works by acclaimed artists Paul and Remy Hoggard; drawing large crowds to this town centre attraction during the first year of summer fun since reopening.
This exhibition, entitled Sandstories, first started on July 27 (Thursday) and will continue until September 16 (Saturday) as organised by Hampshire Cultural Trust. Many hundreds of visitors have enjoyed the exhibits so far over the last four weeks with these figures expected to increase further as “hotter” weather and an August Bank Holiday weekend nears.
Exhibits feature the stunning celebration of Gosport’s peninsula landmark in 3D style as it shows the lovely skyline and bottom of the sea; which was created in front of a live audience at the museum. There is also a sculpture of Tilly the cat near to the main entrance made out of sand; the artists enjoying their recent 1st meeting with this town centre celebrity.
One Globe reader said: “I visited the sandy exhibition last weekend before meeting with my friends and it was a brilliant display of talent throughout despite being a smaller space. I walk past the Tilly cat sculpture every day and thought this piece looked a bit tomb-like, but my true admiration goes to the artists for their hard grafts and all the creative thinking.”
Twenty-thousand tonnes of sand have been used for this exhibition, which also features sandpits for visitors and young children to display their own sculpturing talents. A number of ‘school holiday’ events have further been scheduled for all families to enjoy; including sand sculpturing classes (August 17 / 25) and a rare chance to create an underwater scene.
Tickets to the Sandstories exhibition are priced at just £3.50 per adult and £1.70 for a child, although this allows people unlimited visits for the duration of this event. This includes Gift Aid and other ‘activities’ could incur an additional charge to join with all further details / ticket booking online via
PICTURED BY CONNOR STEEL: Sculpture of Tilly the Cat shines in the early morning sunshine at museum after rain.