Video of tiger with a limp causes concern
A VIDEO of a tiger with a limp caused some dismay after it was loaded to the Facebook page of The Gosport & Fareham Globe.
Zoppa was filmed by a Globe reader at the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary – formerly the Isle of Wight Zoo – at Sandown.
Contacted by The Globe, a spokesman for the sanctuary explained: “Zoppa arrived with us in 2018 when she was just six years old as one of five rescued ex-circus tigers from Spain.
“The circus claimed the leg was deformed from birth but we now know that at some point early in her life her leg was broken and the fracture did not heal properly.
‘Continuously monitor how Zoppa uses her leg’
“As it is such an historic injury, several veterinary experts have advised that any surgery to correct the fracture would present a greater compromise to Zoppa’s health and welfare.
“Our animal care team and vet continuously monitor how Zoppa uses her leg noting any changes to her quality of life.
“We are satisfied she is not suffering or in a great deal of pain and through observation and ongoing welfare reviews we have created the best possible care plan for her.
“Visitors will see she is incredibly active and mobile, enjoying playing with the other tigers – her injury is a permanent disability but she has adapted to it and she lives a very good life with us here in her forever home on the Isle of Wight.”
Photo (above): Zoppa prowling her domain at Wildheart Animal Sanctuary